
Language, Culture & Education

Join Netzwerk Sprachvergnügen - Apply for Funding

Members of the Netzwerk Sprachvergnügen can apply for funds the German government devotes to German learning in the U.S. as part of its cultural relations and education policy.

Funding is available for projects that help spread or maintain German as a foreign language and achieve as wide a reach as possible. This includes, for example, projects to create new learning opportunities or to secure the preservation of existing programs, as well as projects offering continuing education and advanced training to educators.

The German Embassy Washington invites all those interested in fostering the German language in the United States to join the Netzwerk Sprachvergnügen.

Please share with us your area of interest. You may select multiple interests.

Frühkindliche Spracherziehung
Primary Education
Secondary Education
University Education
German Heritage
Samstags- und Teilzeitschulen
Private Sprachkurse
I hereby declare my interest in joining the "Netzwerk Sprachvergnügen." By joining the "Netzwerk," I agree that my personal information, as entered above, may be made available to all other members of the "Netzwerk." *
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