
Green Party Leadership in Times of Crisis (October 20)

Flyer Alumni Speaker Series

Flyer Alumni Speaker Series, © Bastian Hermisson

14.10.2022 - Article

Friends of Freiburg University hosts Bastian Hermisson of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung to discuss how the Green Party leadership has responded to current crises in Europe.

Friends of Freiburg University is pleased to welcome back Bastian Hermisson, head of the EU and North America Department at the Heinrich Böll Stiftung.

Our discussion will focus on the central leadership role that the Green Party is taking within the coalition government as it responds to the war in Ukraine, the emerging energy crisis, and the implementation of what has been labeled as a Zeitenwende in Germany. The Green Party is now in coalition governments in a majority of German Länder, leading one in Baden Württemberg. Facing many challenges at once, The Greens are making choices which illustrate changes in policy and priorities in an ever more influential role in Germany and Europe.

About the Speaker:
Bastian Hermisson has been directing the EU/North America division of the Heinrich Böll Foundation since August 2022. Previously, he was executive director of the Heinrich Böll Foundation’s North America office from 2015 onwards. Prior to that, he directed the Heinrich Boell Foundation’s European Union office in Brussels, and different departments of the Heinrich Böll Foundation’s headquarters in Berlin. Before joining the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Bastian served for three years as advisor on foreign, security and environmental policy for the Greens in the German Bundestag. He holds a M. A. summa cum laudae in cultural anthropology and geography, having studied at the Humboldt-University as well as the Free University, Berlin, the Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, and Connecticut College, New London, CT.

Location & Time

Virtual Meeting on Zoom

Thursday, October 20 – 12.00 PM ET

lease register here.

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