
PlantACT! Plants for Climate Action - Growing a Resilient Society (March 2)

Flyer for PlantAct! Panel Discussion

Flyer for PlantAct! Panel Discussion, © Ulrike Kersting, Communications and Marketing, University of Cologne.

02.02.2023 - Article

The University of Cologne New York Office cordially invites you to an evening panel featuring work from its cluster of excellence CEPLAS and partners, promoting the new European initiative PlantACT! - Plants for Climate Action: Growing a Resilient Society in North America.

In an upcoming event hosted by the University of Cologne New York Office with the UoC Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences CEPLAS and partners, the new European initiative “PlantACT! Plants for Climate Action” will be promoted in the U.S. with a 2-day long experts’ workshop and a public panel discussion. These events will be organized in cooperation with the Permanent Mission of Germany to the UN, the German Consulate General New York, the German Center for Research and Innovation (DWIH) New York, and the German Research Foundation (DFG) North America.

Panel Discussion

This event showcases the PlantACT! initiative which brings together leading plant scientists and other stakeholders with the aim of tackling climate change challenges. From finding solutions to the future of global food production, to reducing agriculture-based emissions, PlantACT! shows research in action.

Join us at the German House, 871 UN Plaza, on March 2nd at 6:00 PM (EST) to:

● Hear solutions by plant scientists from both sides of the Atlantic for a transition to sustainable agriculture and land use

● Learn how plants, soil and microbes can serve as actors for climate mitigation

● Discover how you can get involved with PlantACT! and contribute to interdisciplinary knowledge-exchange

● Enjoy music and a networking reception following the panel

Stanislav Kopriva, University of Cologne, CEPLAS

Heribert Hirt, PlantACT! Initiative

Joanne Chory, SALK Institute

Cynthia Gleason, Washington State University

Expert Workshop (by invitation only)

If you are working in the field of plant sciences, environment, food security, or climate research and would like to actively participate in the workshop, kindly contact Dr. Eva Bosbach (eva.bosbach@uni-koeln.de).

Location & Time

March 2, 2023 – 6 PM to 8 PM

German House Auditorium, 871 United Nations Plaza, New York City

Please register here.

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