KINO! Pic of the Week 'We Are the Wave'

German Films Logo, © Telescope German Films
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Pic of the Week: We Are the Wave
Set in the fictitious German city of Meppersfeld, this coming of age series tells the story of a group of idealistic teenagers who decide to fight together against injustice and social problems. Led by a mysterious classmate, they revolt against a rising tide of nationalistic fervor, until their movement takes a dark turn.
German Films, KINO! Germany NOW!, and Telescope Film are proud to present a new resource for finding German films online: The German Films microsite showcases the best in German film content, including narrative features, documentaries, animation, shorts, and series. It also provides access to a database of more than 30,000 German films and co-productions, with information about where to watch them in the US.Find out more on: https://telescopefilm.com/germanfilms