Transatlantic Climate Bridge Conference 2022 (July 6 - 8)

Flyer for Opening Event of the Transatlantic Climate Bridge conference, © Department for Mayoral an City Council’s Affairs
The Transatlantic Climate Bridge Conference 2022 is a three-day online coming together that seeks to further strengthen the climate and energy alliance between Germany, the United States, and Canada.
The Transatlantic Climate Bridge Conference 2022 is a three-day online coming together that seeks to further strengthen the climate and energy alliance between Germany, the United States, and Canada. This year's conference will convene from Wednesday, 6 July through Friday, 8 July.
From panel discussions and journalistic interviews to live podcast recordings and business roundtables, our innovative formats will keep conversations fresh, informative, and leave plenty of room for interaction. The sessions are designed to provide a space for discourse and collaboration between national and sub-national actors, the private sector, civil society organizations, and youth change agents.
The Transatlantic Climate Bridge (TCB) is pleased to invite to the second annual TCB Conference! TCB is taking place online from 6-8 July, the 2022 TCB Conference comes on the heels of the G7 summit, which has climate and energy front and center of the agenda. The outcomes of this summit will be the starting point for our conference – our opening event will feature inputs from high-level government officials from Germany, Canada, and the United States, followed by in-depth analysis from international climate journalists, who will translate what the high-level agreements mean not only for international cooperation, but also for the private sector, civil society, and subnational actors at the forefront of climate policy implementation.
During this event experts from the cities: Dortmund (GER), Pittsburgh (USA) and Vancouver (CAN), will discuss “Getting the last mile to net zero: Cities as actiors in the climate-neutral transtport transition”.
This event will take place on 6 July 19:00 - 20:30, CET or 13 - 14.30 EST.
Register here
The opening event, on July 6 from 15:00-16:30 CET / 9:00-10:30 EST includes the following speakers:
Part 1:
- Dr. Patrick Graichen, State Secretary German Federal Ministry for Economy and Climate
- Christine Hogan, Deputy Minister Environment and Climate Change Canada (tbc)
- High-level US Representative (tbc)
- Sabine Nallinger, Managing Director of Stiftung KlimaWirtschaft
Part 2:
- Bob Berwyn, Journalist for Inside Climate News
- Canada/US Focused Journalist (tbc)
- Moderation: Sven Egenter, Editor in Chief at Clean Energy Wire
Our other conference events will also draw from G7 priorities, climate and energy diplomacy initiatives, and subnational energy transitions and climate processes, and feature expert interventions from speakers including:
· Catherine Stewart, Assistant Deputy Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada
· George Frampton, Distinguished Senior Fellow and Director, Transatlantic Climate Policy Initiative, Atlantic Council
· Thomas Westphal, Mayor of the City of Dortmund
· Dina Gilio-Whitaker, Professor of American Indian Studies at California State University San Marco
· Claire Healy, E3G Director of the Washington DC Office
· Dale Beugin, Vice President of the Canadian Climate Institute
Our events are all online and you can register for anywhere from one to all of them. Our conference this year seeks active participation from our attendees so we hope to see many of you there!