“Ich bin Expat”-Summit (October 19-21)

Flyer Ich bin Expat Summit, © Ich bin EXPAT/Citykinder
Two days with events about everything you might need to know as an ExPat.
CityKinder and ICH BIN EXPAT have been working with and for the German-speaking Expats in the Tri-state area and nationwide for years now.
To present to you now their upcoming ICH BIN EXPAT summit www.ichbinexpat.com:
They have 2 jam-packed days from the 19th-21st of October 2022 with extremely interesting and valuable expert webinars, live talks, and recordings that will help answer a lot of questions for German-speaking Expats moving and living in the U.S. At our summit, you will find experts for moving & relocation, Visa and immigration, the Healthcare system, working in the U.S., Expat Partners, legal, tax, and credit history, and many more. The content will be shared via live webinars, interviews as well as pre-recorded presentations.
Summit access
Free registration to access all sessions and recordings during the summit
$27 All Access VIP (watch whenever for 1 year) - early bird (purchased before the event)
$47 for an upgrade during the event.