“Right-Wing Populism and Gender” (March 22nd)

“Right-Wing Populism and Gender”, © Stefan Adamick
Deutsches Haus at NYU and the Campus OWL New York Office present a roundtable conversation among Hadas Aron (NYU), Erasma Beras-Monticciolo (Tambora Dialogues), Julia Roth (Bielefeld University) and Ulrich Baer (NYU) on the recent rightwing “obsession” with topics around gender and sexuality.
Deutsches Haus at NYU and the Campus OWL New York Office present a roundtable conversation among Hadas Aron (NYU), Erasma Beras-Monticiollo (Tambora Dialogues), Julia Roth (Bielefeld University) and Ulrich Baer (NYU) on the recent “obsession” with topics around gender and sexuality (“gender ideology”) in right-wing populist debates. Tracing different patterns of gender mobilization in right-wing populist discourse that Julia Roth has elaborated on in her co-edited book Right-Wing Populism and Gender (2020), the roundtable asks how “gender” serves as a platform or metalanguage? Why and how can gender issues be used to mobilize affects? Which counter strategies can we observe? About the book: Right Wing Populism and Gender (2020) shows that the intersectionality of gender, race, and class is constitutional for radical right discourse. From different European perspectives, the contributions investigate the ways in which gender is used as a meta-language, strategic tool and “affective bridge” for ordering and hierarchizing political objectives in the discourse of the diverse actors of the “right-wing complex.”
In-person at Deutsches Haus at NYU, 42 Washington Mews, New York, NY 10003
6:00pm - 7:30pm on Wednesday, March 22nd 2023