Lecture: Who Does Bonhoeffer Belong to? How the resistance against Hitler is being appropriated today (March 26)

Vortrag: Wem gehört Bonhoeffer? Wie der Widerstand gegen Hitler heute vereinnahmt wird (March 26), © Arnd Henze
Arnd Henze discusses the appropriation of Dietrich Bonhoeffer by the political right both within and outside of Germany (auf Deutsch).
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the Protestant pastor who resisted the Nazi regime, inspired progressive Christians worldwide for decades. It is all the more perplexing that in recent years, he has become increasingly entangled in the global cultural struggle against liberal society. How did this happen? And how can one counter the appropriation of Bonhoeffer?
Arnd Henze is a television journalist at WDR, a public broadcaster in Germany, as well as a publicist and theologian. Initially working as a foreign affairs editor and later as a correspondent in the ARD Capital Studio, he reported for many years from the United States and various crisis regions. For many years, he has been engaged in exploring the global challenges to democracy. His much-discussed book, “Can the Church Embrace Democracy?” takes a critical look at the church's culture of remembrance. Henze is a appointed member of the EKD Synod.
Please note that this event will be in German.
Date and Time:
March 26, 2024 at 7:30 PM
St. Paul's Church
315 W 22nd St
New York , NY 10011