Exchange to Germany
In an age of instant, global communication, Edward R. Murrow's famous phrase about the “last three feet” being essential in establishing personal bonds and forming trust between people and nations remains as true as ever.
Exchange to Germany
Professional experience gained in Germany gives you special skills and know-how. More than resume-builders, however, these programs allow you to develop international contacts and friendships that will serve you well throughout life. Each program is unique, so take the time to find the one that best suits your interests, be it in journalism, business, or politics.
Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals

This year-long program, funded by the German Bundestag and US Congress, annually offers the opportunity for 75 young professionals ages 18-24 with a strong interest in cultural exchange to study, work, and live with a host in Germany. The CBYX for Young Professionals program consists of two months of German language school (no prior German language skills required); four months of classes in the participant’s career field at a university, technical school, or professional school; and a five-month internship in the career field. Participants are placed throughout Germany. CBYX for Young Professionals is primarily designed for business, engineering, technical, vocational, and agricultural fields, though applicants from all fields may apply. Applicants from community and technical colleges are especially encouraged to apply.
CBYX for Young Professionals (Cultural Vistas)
The German-American Fulbright Program
The German-American Fulbright Program implements Senator J. William Fulbright's visionary concept: The promotion of mutual understanding between our two countries through academic and bicultural exchange. The largest and most varied of the Fulbright programs worldwide, the German-American Fulbright Program has sponsored over 40,000 Germans and Americans since its inception in 1952.
The defining characteristic of the program is student exchange. This core program is complemented by academic year programs for professors, teachers, teaching assistants, and journalists; summer internship programs for students; and seminars for experts in university administration and German and American Studies.
The German-American Fulbright Program
The Transatlantic Outreach Program (TOP)

In the spirit of “breaking down walls of the mind” and promoting “classrooms that span continents,” the public / private partnership Transatlantic Outreach Program aims to promote education about modern Germany, to encourage cross-cultural dialogue between North American and German classrooms, and to provide the opportunity for social studies educators, STEM educators, and decision makers to experience Germany in person.