
Alumni Networking


Just because your exchange program has ended, doesn't mean your connection with new friends and with Germany is over! In addition to commercial social networking sites, there is Alumniportal Deutschland, a professional-and-social networking platform for all alumni of Germany-related programs.

Alumniportal Deutschland

Alumniportal Deutschland is a free online networking platform offering “Germany-Alumni”--people from all over the world who have studied or researched or were trained in Germany, as well as all those whose training abroad was funded by a German organization--the opportunity to maintain and expand their acquired contacts and expertise, and to use them for their personal and professional development.

Alumniportal Deutschland creates an interface between the supply and demand of skilled employees. Recruiters can search for local experts and employees, post job listings, and create company portraits. Job-seekers can create profiles, search for positions, and contact potential employers.

Alumniportal Deutschland is also a resource for finding events, both online and offline, relating to Germany and your career field. The more than 800 groups within Alumniportal Deutschland allow communities to develop within the community, with discussions underway for every interest.

The portal is financed by several federal German ministries and is a joint project of Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation (AvH), the Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM), German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Goethe-Institut, under the overall direction of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Alumniportal Deutschland

US-Germany Alumni Organizations

Experiences and friendships to last a lifetime--that is what exchanges to Germany bring. Many organizations exist to cultivate these contacts, and develop new ones. Here we list a few.

Humboldt Foundation Network

Robert Bosch Foundation Alumni Association

American Friends of Bucerius


DAAD Alumni Online Network

Alumni Universität Hamburg

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